As Chairman of the Board of Directors, Matthew leads Blackboard�s corporate and product strategy from an educator�s perspective. Today, with more than 2,200 client institutions, more than 12 million users, and approximately 500 employees, Blackboard is considered by most industry analysts to be a leading provider of online education systems around the world. Matthew started the company in 1997.
Matthew developed Blackboard�s initial mission and vision: to transform the Internet into a powerful environment for teaching and learning. His background includes training as a social studies teacher, doctoral work in the sociology of education, and many years as the youngest in a family of six, three of whom are educators. He remains the youngest today.
Matthew has authored numerous articles including a recently published white paper in Upgrade magazine on The Networked Learning Environment. He has been quoted in major media outlets, including The Chronicle of Higher Education, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and BusinessWeek, among others. In 2003, Matthew completed a book project on e-Education as editor of The Wired Tower, which looks at the profound impact the Internet is having on higher education. Matthew serves on the Board of Directors of In2Books, a non-profit that uses technology to improve literacy in early education, and on the Board of Trustees of American University.
Prior to co-founding Blackboard, he worked as a consultant in KPMG Consulting's Higher Education practice, where he was an early participant in the EDUCAUSE IMS standards project. Matthew received his undergraduate degree from the School of Public Affairs at American University and a master�s degree from Harvard University�s Graduate School of Education. He is currently a Ph.D. candidate at Teachers College, Columbia University. |