Matthew Erb is an urban forester with Davey Resource Group and serves as an inventory arborist for all types of tree inventory projects, including military bases, municipalities, parks, cemeteries, and university campuses. His past experiences have given him a good working knowledge of GPS and GIS applications as they relate to urban and community forestry. In 2005, Mr. Erb assisted in data collection for incorporation into the U. S. Forest Service�s Urban Forest Effects Model (UFORE). The UFORE model, in turn, calculates the structure, environmental effects, and values of urban forests. This work was performed in Nebraska City, Nebraska. One of his internships consisted of updating the street tree inventory for the borough of State College, Pennsylvania. Mr. Erb has also worked in and around New York City as a plant health care technician for Almstead Tree Company and has extensive experience removing and pruning residential trees. During the 2004 hurricane season, he traveled to Florida to clean up hazardous and fallen trees. Mr. Erb is a Certified Arborist (PD-1556A) with the International Society of Arboriculture and he holds a Bachelor of Science degree in urban forestry from Penn State University. |