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Profile of Maureen Loftus

Maureen Loftus

MD - Huron Consulting Group Inc.
Maureen Loftus Email :
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Company Name : Huron Consulting Group Inc.
Company Website : www.huronconsultinggroup.com
Company Address : 550 W Van Buren St.
, Chicago, IL,
United States,
Maureen Loftus Profile :
MD - Huron Consulting Group Inc.
Maureen Loftus Biography :

Maureen has more than 19 years of financial consulting disputes and forensic investigations experience. She has extensive experience in assisting companies and their in-house and outside counsel with damages analysis financial modeling valuation due diligence business interruption and business consulting issues. She has experience in a variety of industries including media and entertainment consumer products insurance telecommunications manufacturing and financial services. She is experienced in large commercial damages cases and investigations requiring accounting economics statistics computer forensics and data mining expertise.

Professional Experience

Litigation and Financial Consulting

Analyzed and prepared economic damages and lost profit calculations due to an alleged breach of contract and tort claims. Provided expert testimony at deposition and trial to describe and support the analysis and opinions.

Performed all aspects of damages analysis in intellectual property cases such as identification of lost sales estimation of lost profits reasonable royalty price erosion market assessments convoyed sales unjust enrichment and prejudgment interest for both plaintiffs and defendants. Provided expert witness testimony at deposition and trial in patent infringement trademark and trade secret misappropriation cases.

Implemented the use of data mining and forensic data analysis technology tools and techniques to identify and evaluate anomalies in financial and transactional data; identify and quantify patterns of possible fraud; and assess fraud risk factors due to deficient or weak control environments.

Conducted analysis of agent commission and supplier agreements to recompute appropriate amount of payments due under those agreements.

Financial Statement Errors and Irregularities

Managed investigations relating to financial statement and financial reporting improprieties including misstatements and restatements.

Forensic Investigations

Managed an internal investigation involving allegations by the New York Attorney General and the SEC of mutual fund market timing and late trading. Analysis involved extensive data mining of shareholder transaction activity and quantification of economic impact of dilution using various assumptions.

Managed an internal investigation of insurance broker practices involving contingent commissions and other business practices in light of the New York Attorney General and the state insurance commissioner investigations into such practices.

Managed an internal investigation involving mutual fund business practices with respect to filing for securities class action settlements and filing bankruptcy proofs of claims for fund holdings.

Performed an investigation of transactions conducted by an international financial institution involving sovereign debt restructuring.

Performed investigative accounting procedures and analyses to identify defalcation schemes and quantify economic impact.

Insurance Claims Consulting

Managed and performed analyses to calculate property damage business interruption extra expense claim and other economic losses for a large company's insurance claim arising from the events of September 11.

Managed an engagement assessing a business interruption claim stemming from a power outage at the insured's manufacturing facility.

Education & Certifications

Bachelor of Science Economics Wharton School University of Pennsylvania

Certified Public Accountant New York Pennsylvania Ohio and Montana

Professional Associations

Member Licensing Executive Society

Member American Institute of Certified Public Accountants

Maureen Loftus Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Gary Holdren

Chmn., CEO, Pres. Please login

Gary Burge

VP, CFO, Treasurer Please login

Daniel Broadhurst

VP, COO Please login

Natalia Delgado

VP, General Counsel, Corp. Sec. Please login

Wayne Lipski

Controller, Assist. Treasurer Please login

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