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Profile of Maurice Hudon

Maurice Hudon

Sr. Exec. VP, Personal, Commercial Banking Canada, BMO Bank - Montreal - Bank of Montreal
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Company Name : Bank of Montreal
Company Website : www.bmo.com
Company Address : 1 1st Canadian Pl.
19th Fl., Toronto, ON,
Maurice Hudon Profile :
Sr. Exec. VP, Personal, Commercial Banking Canada, BMO Bank - Montreal - Bank of Montreal
Maurice Hudon Biography :

Maurice A. Hudon was appointed to the position of Senior Executive Vice-President, Personal and Commercial Banking Canada effective August 1st, 2006. In this role, he is accountable for Operational Risk, long-term development initiatives and the separate businesses including Cardholder Services, Insurance and Broker Services.

Mr. Hudon began his career at BMO in 1978 after obtaining an undergraduate degree in Business Administration from Concordia University. He progressed through a series of positions in the branch network in Quebec and in 1981 was transferred to Toronto where he held positions in Human Resources serving both the Domestic and Corporate banking groups.

In 1983, Mr. Hudon was granted an educational leave of absence, during which he completed his MBA degree at the University of Western Ontario. Shortly after completing his MBA, Mr. Hudon was appointed Executive Assistant to the Chairman of the Board, a position he held for four years. In 1992, he received his first executive appointment as Vice-President, Community Banking for the West Island of Montreal and four years later was appointed Senior Vice-President, Personal and Commercial Lending Services.

In 1998, Mr. Hudon reported to the Vice-Chair as Executive Vice-President of Ontario Division where he was responsible for the operation of the branch network throughout Ontario. Two years later he was appointed President of Personal Banking and Head of Products, Personal and Commercial Client Group. During his three years in this role, he was responsible for the product development and marketing functions for all Personal and Commercial Client Group businesses, including Cardholder Services and Insurance.

Maurice Hudon Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Karen Maidment

Chief Financial, Administrative Officer - BMO Financial Group Please login

Eva Kwok

Dir. Please login

Harold Kvisle

Dir. Please login

Gilles Ouellette

Pres. Please login

Yvan Bourdeau

Vice Chmn. - BMO Capital Markets Please login

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