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Profile of McLowery Elrod

McLowery Elrod

Mentor Mathematics Advisor - Mentor Products Inc.
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Company Name : Mentor Products Inc.
Company Website : www.mentorproducts.com
Company Address : 363 Cornwell Rd.
, Americus, GA,
United States,
McLowery Elrod Profile :
Mentor Mathematics Advisor - Mentor Products Inc.
McLowery Elrod Biography :

Dr. McLowery Elrod has over forty years of technical experience and is expert in mathematics, computer science, systems analysis, and operations research. He is the developer of the Mentor Mathematics Advisor and the founder of Mentor Products, Inc. Previously, he conceived Learning Logic, an Integrated Learning System to teach secondary school mathematics, and led its development for the National Science Center Foundation, Inc. in Augusta, Georgia. He has been a member of the Operating Committee for the Board of Trustees of the Jason Foundation for Education and has worked with the staff of the Jason Foundation to help increase the mathematical content of their curriculum. At National Advanced Systems in Atlanta, Georgia, Dr. Elrod served as an Applied Software Engineering Consultant with major responsibilites in the design and integration of NAS engineering and scientific software libraries. As a Research Scientist in the Advanced Computational Methods Center at the University of Georgia, Dr. Elrod led a team exploring practical uses of supercomputing. He developed a curriculum for an intensive two week course on supercomputing and wrote a proposal to the National Science Foundation which was funded to provide the course to scientists and researchers. Dr. Elrod created the computer science program for Georgia Southwestern College (now Georgia Southwestern State University) in Americus, Georgia, designing the curriculum and winning approval for the degree from the Georgia Board of Regents. He has taught mathematics, statistics, and computer science courses at the University of Maryland, the Northern Virginia Community College of Manassas, Georgia Southwestern State University, and the University of Georgia. In addition to his teaching duties, he has developed and implemented a system of programs used to edit, archive, and analyze data from the Naval Air Systems Command's Project Theo Meteorological Network. Also, he has developed analytic and numerical methods to solve linear, nonlinear, ordinary, partial, deterministic, and stochastic differential equations. He was a senior communications systems engineer for Rockwell International and held positions as the Manager of the Analysis Group in the Collins Communications Systems Division and the Engineering Manager of the Gound and Transportable Systems Profit Center. In Rockwell's Washington Systems Engineering and Analysis Office, he provided analytic and computational support for proposals and contracts with the Defense Communications Agency and other U.S. Government agencies. As a senior staff mathematician for The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laborator, Dr. Elrod provided analyses as part of the U.S. Navy's Continuing Evaluation Program for the Fleet Ballistic Missile Communications, Command, and Control capability. While serving on the professional staff of the Analytic Services Corporation, he developed a simulation program for the three-dimensional porportional navigation pursuit model, which was used to evaluate requirements for the Advanced Tactical Fighter project. In addition to publishing articles in diverse fields, such as acoustics and meteorology as well as in mathematics, he has held memberships in the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, the Association for Computing Machinery, and Mathematical Association of America. He has been elected to membership in Sigma Pi Sigma (physics honor society), Pi Mu Epsilon (mathematics honor society) and Sigma Xi (research honor society). Dr. Elrod is a native of Georgia. He holds a Ph.D. degree in Mathematics from the University of Georgia and an A.B. degree in Mathematics from the University of Texas. He and his wife, Susan, have been married since 1969 and are presently living in Sumter County outside of Americus, Georgia. They have two daughters, both married.His current interests include teaching fundamentals of mathematics and computer science, the continued development of the Mentor Mathematics Advisor, and the practice and teaching of aikido.

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