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Profile of Megan Campbell

Megan Campbell

Member - News Team - CBS 42
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Company Name : CBS 42
Company Website : www.keyetv.com
Company Address : 10700 Metric Blvd.
, Austin, TX,
United States,
Megan Campbell Profile :
Member - News Team - CBS 42
Megan Campbell Biography :

From having a neighborhood tornado watch club at age six, to presently carrying a storm spotter card at all times, Megan Campbell loves to forecast and is constantly fascinated by weather. Megan grew up near Indianapolis, but half way through school her family relocated to Knoxville, TN. Tennessee was good to her and in 2003, she graduated with her Bachelors of Science degree in geography and broadcasting from East Tennessee State University. Like most weather people, I believe it is in my blood, Megan said. Working on her graduate degree in the great state of Mississippi, she quickly meshed with other atmospheric junkies. There Megan became an active member of the local National Weather Service chapter, American Meteorological Society and competed in the national forecasting competition. In 2005, she received her Masters degree in Meteorology from Mississippi State University. Before leaving the Gulf Coast, Megan was lucky enough to bump into her now husband Clint. Of course on a weekend trip to Texas, I fell for a Longhorn, she said. After college, they spent some time in Washington, D.C., where she started her television debut. One of the craziest storm moments that I can remember was reporting on a severe flash flood event in Delmarva when the bridge under me cracked in half, Megan said. Most recently Megan has been in Central Virginia where she hosted daybreak at WHSV as a morning meteorologist. Now as an Austinite, her dreams of forecasting in tornado alley and living in the best city in the country have come true. Wherever you are across the United States, just say the word Austin and people chime in with their amazing experiences in the city, Megan said. Now I have the privilege of calling that legendary town home. Megan is the proud owner of chocolate lab named Buster Douglas.

Megan Campbell Colleagues :
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Alexis Patterson

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Bettie Cross

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Bob Ballou

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Byron Webre

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Chris Pelikan

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