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Profile of Mel Connet

Mel Connet

Partner - Connet & Co. LLC
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Company Name : Connet & Co. LLC
Company Website : www.connetcompany.com
Company Address : PO Box 39000
, San Francisco, CA,
United States,
Mel Connet Profile :
Partner - Connet & Co. LLC
Mel Connet Biography :

Mel Connet co-founded Connet & Company in 1999 to conduct high-impact, officer-level executive search in the Information Technology Industry.

Mel specializes in executive search at the Presidential and Board of Director level for technology companies in the software, communications and Internet spaces. He has more than ten years of experience in the executive search industry and has successfully completed over 150 assignments. His CEO placements have delivered cumulative increases in shareholder value in excess of $11 billion.

Prior to Connet & Company, Mel was Partner-in-Charge of the Software Industry Group and a member of the Board of Directors of Heidrick & Struggles. He received the Heidrick & Struggles' Menlo Park "Top Gun" Award in 1996, 1997 and 1998 as the consultant who produced the highest revenue for executive searches in technology. He also earned the Heidrick & Struggles Time-to-Complete Award in 1996 for timeliness in the execution of search assignments. Previously, Mel was Vice President and Partner with Korn/Ferry International, where he led that firm's Silicon Valley technology practice. When he left Korn/Ferry in 1995, he ranked in the top 10% of North American consultants, across all practice groups, in total production.

Earlier in his career Mel was the first non-founding executive officer of Amarco Resources, an energy industry start-up that subsequently went public and was listed on the INC 100 list of fastest growing companies for three consecutive years. He also worked briefly in the venture capital industry with Crosspoint Venture Partners during business school, and served in two venture-backed start-ups before entering the executive search industry.

Mel graduated with an MBA from the Stanford University Graduate School of Business and received a BBA from the University of Texas at Austin, where he graduated with highest honors. He is also a Certified Public Accountant, and is co-inventor on a patent filing addressing information self-management and propagation over the Internet.

Mel resides with his wife of 25 years and two children in Atherton, California

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Stephanie Young

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