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Profile of Melayne Yocum

Melayne Yocum

Exec. VP, COO - Healthcare Partners Medical Group
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Company Name : Healthcare Partners Medical Group
Company Website : https://www.healthcarepartners.com
Company Address : 19191 Vermont Ave.
Ste. 200, Torrance, CA,
United States,
Melayne Yocum Profile :
Exec. VP, COO - Healthcare Partners Medical Group
Melayne Yocum Biography :

Melayne Yocum is HealthCare Partners� executive vice president and chief operating officer. Her responsibilities include operational oversight of all medical group care sites and hundreds of IPA offices in the Los Angeles area as well as several central departments including Employee & Clinician Services, Information Services, Marketing and Communications, and the Program Management Office.

Before joining HealthCare Partners, Ms. Yocum, a CPA by training, had a distinguished track record as a consultant to many health care companies, specializing in mergers, acquisitions, turnarounds, and major organizational redesigns. Prior to her consulting career, she served as the manager of the Western Regional Health Care practice of Price Waterhouse. She was also chief financial officer at Long Beach Community Hospital.

Ms. Yocum joined HealthCare Partners as the senior vice-president of Integrated Managed Care Services (IMCS) specifically to redesign the company�s managed care departments. In 1999, after successfully completing the managed care redesign, Ms. Yocum assumed the chief operating officer role. She has participated as the executive sponsor in a series of redesign efforts to automate and standardize many of the administrative and patient systems. Currently, she is involved in the design and rollout of the new Clinical Information System, which will bring upgraded electronic medical record capability to all the clinicians and staff of HealthCare Partners, resulting in improved, state-of-the-art patient care.

Melayne Yocum Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Robert Margolis

CEO Please login

Matthew Mazdyasni

Exec. VP, CFO Please login

William Chin

Exec. Medical Dir. Please login

Zan Calhoun

CIO Please login

Serena Araujo

Doctor - Pasadena, San Gabriel Valley Area Please login

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