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Profile of Michael Yuffee

Michael Yuffee

Assoc. Attorney - McDermott Will & Emery LLP
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Company Name : McDermott Will & Emery LLP
Company Website : www.mwe.com
Company Address : 28 State St.
, Boston, MA,
United States,
Michael Yuffee Profile :
Assoc. Attorney - McDermott Will & Emery LLP
Michael Yuffee Biography :

Michael A. Yuffee is a partner in the law firm of McDermott Will & Emery LLP based in the Firm's Washington, D.C. office. As a member of the Energy and Derivatives Markets Group, Michael represents wholesale power marketers, financial institutions, merchant generators and integrated energy companies in a variety of regulatory, litigation and transactional matters.

Michael represents and advises clients with respect to regulatory facets of the wholesale power and natural gas markets, including: the formation and redesign of wholesale electricity markets, electricity transmission access, capacity market development, natural gas pipeline proceedings, merger proceedings, compliance, investigations and regulatory litigation.

Michael also advises clients in structured physical energy transactions, project development transactions, and wholesale power and natural gas transactions. Prior to entering private practice, Michael was an attorney-advisor in FERC's Office of Administrative Law Judges, where he assisted in all aspects of electricity and natural gas rate proceedings, mergers and utility restructuring.

Michael is listed in Chambers USA - America's Leading Lawyers for Business, Best Lawyers in America (2005 and 2006). He is the Vice Chairman of the Electric Regulation Committee of the Energy Bar Association. Michael also is the author of "California's Electricity Crisis: How Best to Respond to the 'Perfect Storm,'" 22 Energy Law Journal 65 (2001), and co-author of a chapter entitled, "Independent System Operators," for the Matthew Bender publication, Energy Law and Transactions. While in law school, Michael served as Notes and Comments Editor for the Washington University Law Quarterly. He is admitted to practice in Maryland and the District of Columbia and is a member of the Energy Bar Association and the American Bar Association.

Representative Experience

Represent lead market participant in case to establish a Reliability Capacity Services Tariff in California ISO market.

Represent client in PJM Reliability Pricing Model case to redesign the capacity market in PJM and in the New England LICAP case to establish locational capacity markets.

Represent clients in California MRTU market redesign proceeding.

Defend clients concerning allegations energy market manipulation and from requests for refund and retroactive contract modification arising from western energy crisis of 2000-2001.


Washington University School of Law, J.D., 1994

Boston University, B.A. (cum laude), 1991

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