Dr. Bunch oversees MI�s Research and Development Division (R&D) and serves as a director of the corporation. During the past 23 years, he has established MI as a trusted vendor of high-quality test development and related services. He and his staff of more than 60 project directors, psychometricians, editors, content specialists, and support staff have successfully carried out test development, program evaluation, and research activities for 17 state departments of education and numerous local education agencies, corporations, and institutions. His expertise in the development of criterion-referenced, high-stakes testing programs is well known among assessment professionals. His advice in both technical and practical matters related to assessment programs is widely sought, and he contributes regularly to the advancement of those programs through national organizations such as the American Educational Research Association, the Council of Chief State School Officers, and the National Council on Measurement in Education. He has taught graduate-level statistics and research methods and has been a regular contributor to Mental Measurement Yearbooks since 1985.
Dr. Bunch earned a Ph.D. degree in psychology (Measurement and Human Differences) from the University of Georgia in 1976. Prior to joining MI in 1982, he served as research psychologist at the American College Testing Program (ACT) and senior professional at NTS Research Corporation. Since joining MI, he has been active not only in the profession but in the Durham community as well, serving on and chairing boards of local education and human service organizations. |