Following a liberal arts education at the University of Wisconsin, Michael J. May worked in the insurance industry, in personnel recruiting and in equipment sales and leasing, eventually making the transition to Human Resources. He has been with Bosley since 1995, assisting with the opening of the Portland office and the creation of the extensive call center in Beverly Hills. He now directs the company�s team member programs and was selected to be a featured Employer Representative at the Power to the People Series. He was a featured speaker at the NCHRA (Northern California Human Resources Association) annual conference, at the ASHHRA Annual Conference 2007 and at the 2007 Conference Board Annual Benefits Conference (speaking on workforce engagement and Bosley's journey to become a "Great Place to Work." Michael is a member of the SHRM, The Society for Human Resource Management; ASHHRA, the American Society of Healthcare Human Resource Administration and PIHRA, Professionals in Human Resource Administration. Michael ensures that Bosley team members are carefully selected for their dedication to patient service and high level of technical and clinical skill. |