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Profile of Michael Kleeman

Michael Kleeman

Member - Strategy, Telecommunications - Natural Logic
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Company Name : Natural Logic
Company Website : www.natlogic.com
Company Address : PO Box 119
, Berkeley, CA,
United States,
Michael Kleeman Profile :
Member - Strategy, Telecommunications - Natural Logic
Michael Kleeman Biography :

Formerly a Vice President at The Boston Consulting Group, Director at Arthur D. Little, and executive at Sprint, Michael Kleeman has been involved with numerous technology companies in North America as advisor and executive. He has most recently served as the Co-founder, Vice President and Chief Technical Officer of Cometa Networks, a nationwide 802.11 firm, and before that Aerie Networks, a US nationwide long distance fiber optic carrier and was also the founding CTO of Global Telesystems Group.

Mr. Kleeman is currently at UCSD working with the School of International Relations and the California Institute of Telecommunications and Internet Technology (CALIT2) on communications policy, especially in large distributed networks and is a Senior Fellow at the Annenberg Center at USC. He is also an independent consultant working with global carriers and content service providers. This work is focused on end to end user experience and commercial opportunities.

He holds an MA from the Claremont Graduate School, and an undergraduate degree from Syracuse University. He serves as the National Chair of Strategy for the American Red Cross and on the Boards of Equal Access, a not-for-profit providing digital satellite radio services to developing nations and the Marine Mammal Center in Sausalito. Previously he was a visiting fellow at University of California Berkeley (BRIE) and a fellow of the BIOS Institute, a firm specializing in Complex Adaptive Systems, served on the founding advisory board for CALREN and served on the Board of Science Foundation Ireland.

Michael Kleeman Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Gil Friend

Founder, Pres., CEO, Dir. Please login

Andrew Dale

CTO Please login

Jorgen Vos

Dir. - Sustainability Analytics Please login

Shana Gillis

Contact Business Development, Operations Research Please login

David Jaber

Project Mgr. Please login

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