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Profile of Michael McRae

Michael McRae

Principal - Jacobs Associates
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Company Name : Jacobs Associates
Company Website : www.jacobssf.com
Company Address : 465 California St.
Ste. 1000, San Francisco, CA,
United States,
Michael McRae Profile :
Principal - Jacobs Associates
Michael McRae Biography :

Mike McRae�s 17 years of experience include a broad range of engineering services on underground projects including geotechnical consulting, slope stability issues and seismic evaluations. He joined Jacobs Associates in 1994 after completing his doctorate in geotechnical/geological engineering at the University of California at Berkeley where his research focused on the behavior of deep excavations in weathered rock and the design of pressure tunnels. In capacities as project manager and designer he has worked on transit and highway tunnel projects, as well as water resources tunnel projects including the Tren Urbano-Rio Piedras subway in San Juan, Puerto Rico; the M5 East Motorway tunnels in Sydney, Australia; the Lake Mathews Outlet Facilities; and the Arrowhead Tunnels of the Inland Feeder System in San Bernardino, California.

He has written numerous technical papers for geotechnical and underground engineering journals and conferences and has contributed to tunneling industry publications.

Dr. McRae earned his BS in Civil Engineering, his MS in Geological Engineering and his Doctorate in Geotechnical Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley. He is a Registered Professional Civil and Geotechnical Engineer in California and a Registered Professional Civil Engineer in Utah.

Michael McRae Colleagues :
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William Edgerton

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Daniel Kass

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Stephen Klein

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