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Profile of Michael Patton

Michael Patton

Member - Advisory Board - Ixion LLC
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Company Name : Ixion LLC
Company Website : www.ixiononline.com
Company Address : 4001 W Sam Houston Pkwy. N
Ste. 140, Houston, TX,
United States,
Michael Patton Profile :
Member - Advisory Board - Ixion LLC
Michael Patton Biography :

Mr. Patton has significant experience running corporate information technology departments. He also has an impressive knowledge of business from operations and sales to finance, technology management, integration, and support. During 2000 and 2001, he was initially the Chief Operating Officer of Trilog Group, Inc., an enterprise software vendor, and then became its CEO/CFO.

From 1997 until 1999, Mike was VP and Chief Information Officer of Waste Management, Inc. in Houston, TX. During this time, Waste Management averaged approximately one acquisition per business day, including the acquisition of six publicly traded companies. While at Waste Management, Mike was responsible for ensuring the speedy integration of the business systems for the hundreds of acquisitions the company undertook, along with the rationalization of the staffs of the combined companies. In 1998, the predecessor company to the current Waste Management merged with a company twice its size, creating a $13 billion, Fortune 150 enterprise with 1,400 locations in the US, along with a significant worldwide presence. Through the efforts of Mike's excellent team, the integration of the business systems was completed and redundant staff and facilities were reduced within ten months of the transaction's closing.

Between 1987 and 1997, he was VP and CIO, as well as the VP of Investor Relations for Mid-American Waste Systems, headquartered in Columbus, OH. Mike's responsibilities included selection and deployment of all of the Company's business systems and infrastructure. After the Company's public offering, he took on the additional tasks of presentations to potential and existing investors, interaction with Wall Street analysts covering the industry, and coordination of all stockholder communications. Mr. Patton joined Ixion's Board of Advisors in early 2001.

Michael Patton Colleagues :
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Patrick Ransom

Founder, Pres. Please login

Steven Gerhardt

VP Please login

Keith Kreuer

Member - Advisory Board Please login

Mark Reed

Member - Advisory Board Please login

Angel Santos

Marketing Mgr. Please login

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