Michael V. Withrow An attorney with a diversified background, Mike's practice focuses on product liability and general litigation and corporate and commercial matters.
B.S., Western Kentucky University, 1967
M.B.A., University of Kentucky, 1968, College of Economics & Business Administration
J.D., University of Kentucky College of Law, 1972
Military Service
U.S. Army, Criminal Investigation Division (C.I.D.), Third Army Headquarters, Ft. Campbell, Ky.
Professional Memberships and Affiliations
Kentucky Law Journal
American Bar Association
Ohio Bar Association
Kentucky Bar Association
Cincinnati Bar Association
American Corporate Counsel Association
American Marketing Association
Ohio Alliance for Civil Justice, Steering Committee
American Tort Reform Association
Product Liability Advisory Council (PLAC), Executive Committee and Board of Directors, Reston, VA
Salmon P. Chase College of Law, Northern Kentucky University, Advisory Board
American Law Firm Association (ALFA),
National Client Advisory Board, Los Angeles, CA
Lawyers for Civil Justice (LCJ), Board of Directors, Washington, D.C.
Board of Editorial Advisors, LL.D. (Large Law Department), Newsletter, New York, NY
Civil Justice Reform Group (CJRG), Chair-Operating Committee, Washington, D.C.
Children's Law Center, Inc., Board of Directors
Defense Research Institute
Professional Leadership
Associate General Counsel, The Procter & Gamble Company, Cincinnati, OH
Acquisition Team - Purchase of Orange Crush�, Hires Root Beer�, Sun Drop� & other beverage businesses
Coordination and Management Team responsible for nationwide mass litigation involving Rely�, brand tampons and Toxic Shock Syndrome
Provided legal guidance to paper products, household cleaning products, personal care, and industrial divisions of major manufacturer on issues such as packaging and labeling, advertising, consumer research, research and development, insurance, claims and litigation matters
Acquisition Team - Sale of leading brand of hospital surgical drapes and gowns business to the Kendall Corporation, a subsidiary of Lever Brothers, New York
Coordination and defense of 200+ ground water contamination suits filed against pulp and paper manufacturing operations in Florida
Served on legal team of the Washington, D.C. based Association of National Advertisers, leading an effort to defeat state legislation aimed at taxing television and radio advertising and personal service providers
Coordination and management of North America asbestos litigation involving several companies and plants
Acquisition Team - Purchase of major perfume and cosmetic business, Giorgio of Beverly Hills�
Heavily involved with a group of Fortune 50 companies in tort/civil justice reform efforts and legislative and related initiatives at both the state and federal levels
Counsel on a variety of issues, including real estate and related acquisitions, contracts and regulatory matters, to several companies with large pulp and paper plants, sawmills and over 8 million acres of timberlands under ownership and management
Instrumental in persuading two major universities to institute "sound science" programs focused at educating the media, legislators and judges as to the harmful impact and disservice to the country caused by so-called junk science being allowed in the court room
Acquisition Team - Purchase of Tampax� tampon business
Honors and Awards
Martindale Hubbell Rating "A.V."
Ohio Super Lawyer, 2005, General Litigation
Kentucky Law Journal (1st place award, most articles published)
West Publishing Company's Academic Book Award: Corporations; Torts; and Law & Legal Institutions
U.S. Department of Army, "Certificate of Appreciation"
U.S. Army, "C.I.D. Award for Outstanding Service"
Product Liability Advisory Council (PLAC), "Special Merit Award" for Executive Committee leadership and service
Selected Publications and Presentations
Several articles and presentations before various groups and associations on a variety of subjects, including litigation-related and corporate issues.