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Profile of Michael Caracotsios

Michael Caracotsios

Part time - Adjunct Professor - Chemical Engineering Senior Modeling, Optimization Specialist - Illinois Institute of Technology
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Company Name : Illinois Institute of Technology
Company Website : www.iit.edu
Company Address : 3300 South Federal St.
, Chicago, IL,
United States,
Michael Caracotsios Profile :
Part time - Adjunct Professor - Chemical Engineering Senior Modeling, Optimization Specialist - Illinois Institute of Technology
Michael Caracotsios Biography :

Dr. Caracotsios' research interests are in the areas of integrated technology development and transfer, statistical data modeling, analysis, reconciliation and scale-up, nonlinear parameter estimation, steady-state and dynamic simulation, distributed systems modeling, polymers modeling and optimization, pinch technology applications, continuous and discrete nonlinear constrained optimization, engineering software development and graphical/visual user interfaces. Currently his research focuses on the following areas:

Computational Methods in Lumped and Distributed Parameter Systems

Initialization methods for mixed systems of differential/algebraic equations

High index systems

New methods to handle phase discontinuities

Applications include alternative ways to model heat exchangers, reactors, crystallization kinetics and biochemical systems

Nonlinear Parameter Estimation and Data Reconciliation

Algorithmic methods for constrained parameter estimation

Statistical interpretation of estimates in a constrained environment

Handling of missing data in multiresponse estimation

Optimal experimental design and model discrimination

Large-scale data reconciliation algorithms

Continuous and Discrete Nonlinear Large-scale Optimization

New methods for very large scale continuous optimization

Mixed-integer nonlinear optimization theory and applications

Explore new applications in agricultural industry, financial industry and other nontraditional industries

Optimal design of chemical reactor and distillation trains, design of batch plants

Explore applications to pharmaceutical industries

Steady-state and Dynamic Simulation and Training Software Development

Development of training modules for chemical processes

Development of new algorithms for dynamic simulation of chemical plants

Solids flow handling

Industrial applications

Modeling of Polyolefins Manufacturing Technology

Steady-state and dynamic modeling of polymerization reactors with moving catalyst bed

Catalyst deactivation mechanism, catalyst feed optimal profiles

Residence time distribution functions for moving bed reactors

Polymer property structural modeling and relations to reactor conditions

Applications in the polyolefins industry world-wide

Modeling and System Analysis of Fuel Cells

Development of fundamental models that describe the physical and chemical phenomena that take place in batteries and fuel cells

Testing of the models with available experimental data, adjustable parameter estimation and model discrimination

Optimization studies in order to design more efficient and cost-effective batteries and cells

Other Areas of Interest

Heterogeneous reactor modeling

Pinch technology applications

Applied mathematics

Modeling of living organisms

Graphical user interfaces and object oriented programming.

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