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Profile of Michael Fine

Michael Fine

Exec. VP, Dir. - Project Management - Sheldon Good & Co. LLC
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Company Name : Sheldon Good & Co. LLC
Company Website : www.sheldongood.com
Company Address : 333 W. Wacker Dr.
Ste. 400, Chicago, IL,
United States,
Michael Fine Profile :
Exec. VP, Dir. - Project Management - Sheldon Good & Co. LLC
Michael Fine Biography :

Mr. Fine is a member of the firm�s executive management committee and is responsible for Sheldon Good & Company�s project management team on a national basis. As a member of the firm�s senior management team, Mr. Fine participates in the tactical and strategic planning of many major auctions. In addition, he has daily involvement in project management on many of the firm�s high profile auctions.

Professionally licensed in twenty states, he has acted as Project Manager on more than 200 auctions in 28 states, 4 provinces of Canada, and throughout the Caribbean. Mr. Fine has personally participated in the sale of more than $800 million in residential and commercial property throughout North America for corporations, developers, financial institutions, syndicators, and private individuals.

Mr. Fine has been awarded the Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM) designation by the Commercial Investment Real Estate Institute. The CCIM designation is earned upon

completion of a graduate-level curriculum and attainment of a level of qualifying experience. CCIMs are recognized experts in commercial real estate brokerage, brokerage, leasing, asset management, valuation, investment analysis, and form a business network encompassing 1,000 markets throughout the world.

Confirmed by the National Auctioneers Association as an accredited auctioneer of real estate, Mr. Fine is also a certified auctioneer from the Missouri Auction School. A member of the National Auctioneers Association, he has also been a member of the National Auctioneer's Association Committee. He is a member of the National Association of Realtors�, Illinois Board of Realtors� and the Chicago Board of Realtors�.

Mr. Fine has authored numerous articles on real estate auctions and is quoted regularly in many prominent newspapers throughout the country. He has been with Sheldon Good & Company since 1987. He is active in a number of civic and charitable organizations, including the National Eagle Scout Association. He has been a guest lecturer on real estate auctions at the Keller Graduate School of Management.


MBA Finance Keller Graduate School of Management

B.A.Business Economics (Magna Cum Laude) Milton College

Michael Fine Colleagues :
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Steven Good

Chmn., CEO Please login

Alan Kravets

Pres. Please login

Bruce Sayre

Exec. VP, Dir. - Sales Please login

Jim MacDonnell

Exec. MD Please login

Jeff Hubbard

Partner, Exec. MD Please login

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