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Profile of Michael Friedlander

Michael Friedlander

VP Corporate Development, General Counsel - RampRate Inc.
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Company Name : RampRate Inc.
Company Website : www.ramprate.com
Company Address : 1427 3rd St. Promenade
Ste. 202, Santa Monica, CA,
United States,
Michael Friedlander Profile :
VP Corporate Development, General Counsel - RampRate Inc.
Michael Friedlander Biography :

As VP of Corporate Development and General Counsel at RampRate, Mike brings over 13 years in entrepreneurial experience in managing and forging strategic relationships in the technology industry. Mike heads up RampRate's strategic partner and vendor program to continue to extend RampRate's reach into our robust network of IT outsourcing solution providers. Mike has recently joined RampRate from his prior venture, Alinean, the leader in IT value measurement. While with Alinean, Mike forged key partnerships with industry partners including Accenture, Bain, EDS, and IDC. Mike has helped create the vision of customer facing ROI and TCO initiatives for IT leaders including 3Com, Akamai, BellSouth, Cisco, Dell, HP, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Oracle, SAP, SBC, and Sun. Prior to Alinean, Mike founded three companies in the high technology event and tradeshow industry, including MeetingUp, LLC. MeetingUp provided event participants with a unified platform to network with one another utilizing highly intelligent matching technology to further business relationships among the community members before, during, and after the show. While with MeetingUp, Mike established critical partnerships with the industry's leaders such as Ziff-Davis, Penton Media, CMP Publications, Microsoft, and Compaq to deliver intelligence over both wireless and web mediums. Mike is a licensed attorney in good standing with the Illinois, Colorado, and Federal bars, holds a B.S. in Economics and a B.A. in Political Science from the University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana, and earned his J.D. from Loyola University Chicago with a concentration in Business Reorganization.

Michael Friedlander Colleagues :
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Anthony Greenberg

CEO Please login

Michael Hoch

Chief Strategy Officer, VP Operations Please login

Mark Mathias

CTO, VP Client Engagement Please login

Steve Lerner

Practice Leader, Content Delivery Networks, CDN, Management Please login

Kevin Moylan

MD, Information Technology Please login

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