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Profile of Michael Grobstein

Michael Grobstein

Board Dir. - Given Imaging Ltd.
Michael Grobstein Email :
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Company Name : Given Imaging Ltd.
Company Website : www.givenimaging.com
Company Address : 5555 Oakbrook Pkwy.
No. 355, Norcross, GA,
United States,
Michael Grobstein Profile :
Board Dir. - Given Imaging Ltd.
Michael Grobstein Biography :

Michael Grobstein has served as a director since October 2001.Mr. Grobstein served as a director of Guidant Corporation since 1999 and was chairman of Guidant's audit committee until the company was sold to Boston Scientific in 2006. Mr. Grobstein worked with Ernst & Young LLP from 1964 to 1998 and was admitted as a partner in 1975. At Ernst & Young Mr. Grobstein served as a Vice Chairman- International Operations from 1993 to 1998 as Vice Chairman- Planning Marketing and Industry Services from 1987 to 1993 and Vice Accounting and Auditing Services from 1984 to 1987. In these positions Mr. Grobstein among other things oversaw the global strategic planning of the firm was responsible for developing and implementing the firm's worldwide audit service delivery process and consulted with multinational corporations on a wide variety of financial reporting matters. Mr. Grobstein is a certified public accountant in the United States and holds a B. Sc. in accounting from the University of Illinois.

Michael Grobstein Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Manfred Gehrtz

Pres., Given Imaging, Emea Please login

A. Leowenstein

Board Dir. Please login

Yuval Yanai

CFO Please login

Daphna Levy

Sr. VP, GM Please login

Kevin Rubey

COO Please login

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