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Profile of Michael Howe

Michael Howe

Sr. Consultant - Manchester Companies Inc.
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Company Name : Manchester Companies Inc.
Company Website : www.manchestercompanies.com
Company Address : 4700 IDS Ctr.
80 S Eighth St., Minneapolis, MN,
United States,
Michael Howe Profile :
Sr. Consultant - Manchester Companies Inc.
Michael Howe Biography :

Mr. Howe has been a strategically focused executive with extensive experience translating business strategy into effective leadership practices and organization results. As a corporate executive and board member, he has successfully addressed the leadership and organizational implications of mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, closures, start-ups, and joint venture operations. He is a thought leader who blends leadership theory with practical business strategies and is known for creating a sense of vision that inspires the contribution of others. Mr. Howe leads Manchester�s Leadership and Organizational Effectiveness Practice, which includes: Leadership Services Leadership continuity planning Executive assessments Bench strength analyses Leadership development planning Executive coaching Organizational Effectiveness Services Organizational assessments Organizational structure / design analyses Management planning / performance assessments Workforce strategy development Prior to joining Manchester Companies, Mr. Howe was Executive Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer at Allina Health System. He served as Chief Human Resources Officer at HealthSpan Health System, Health One Corporation, and Health Central System. Previously, he taught at the University of Minnesota and led the human resources and career development program at Xcel Energy. Education BA, Psychology, Mankato State College Ph.D. & MA, University of Chicago Graduate School of Social Service Administration Professional Designations / Organizations National Association of Corporate Directors University of Minnesota School of Business, Industrial Relations Center (Advisory Board) Recent Articles CEO Succession: Fact or Fairy Tale? Most corporate directors have experienced instances when replacing the CEO has become necessary. These experiences demonstrate that effective hiring is more of an art, than a science. Practice Areas Corporate Renewal Management Advisory.

Michael Howe Colleagues :
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Mark Sheffert

Chmn., CEO Please login

Pat Marso

Principal Please login

Kevin Jansen

Pres., Managing Partner Please login

Sara Braziller

Principal Please login

Thomas Rootness

Principal Please login

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