Michael Kenny, call sign "Pisser", is one of the most experienced members of the Afterburner Team. Since 1997 he has worked with hundreds of different Companies providing Flawless Execution solutions. As the Afterburner Strategy and Debriefing subject matter expert, Michael is a key provider of Afterburner Intellectual Property. He is also a contributing author to and featured on the cover of Afterburner�s latest release, "Flawless Execution".
Michael is a Graduate of the US Naval Academy with a Bachelor of Science degree in Theoretical Mathematics. As a Corporate Wingman he uses his analytical skill to properly assess the functionality of Companies. His unique leadership style and outgoing personality make him a favorite among his Clientele.
As a Marine Fighter Pilot he first flew the venerable AV-8B Harrier for 5 years and then the unrivaled F/A-18 Hornet for the last 12 years, accumulating over 3800 flight hours. Michael Flew 36 combat mission during Desert Storm and supported combat operations in Somalia.
In 1992 he was handpicked to attend the elite Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron (MAWTS) course or the Marine equivalent of "Top Gun". From 1993-1997, Pisser continued to excel as an instructor at the Naval Strike and Air Warfare Center (NSAWC) in Fallon, Nevada. NSAWC is the center of excellence for naval aviation training and tactics development and includes the famous Top Gun Program. These Top notch training environments afforded him the requisite skills to teach Businesses how to lead, train and standardize their Teams.
With over 19 years of Leadership experience as a Marine Corps Officer, Michael continues to serve with the Marine Corps Reserve. He is also a Pilot for a Major Airline and resides in Alexandria, Virginia. |