Michael Lofstead offers 15 years of experience in higher education marketing and communications, specializing in Web strategies, e-communications, and analyzing the effectiveness of marketing efforts. He consults for Noel-Levitz from his position as director of online strategy and marketing analysis at Lesley University (MA).
In his current role, Mr. Lofstead works to infuse data-driven decision making into the communications and recruitment activities at Lesley University. He oversees the analysis methodologies, tracking systems, and metrics used to evaluate the university�s Web site, online advertising, and print and e-mail marketing initiatives. He chairs the university�s E-mail Marketing Task Force and also serves as an instructor on classroom learning technologies and desktop publishing.
Previously at Lesley University, Mr. Lofstead served as director of Web strategy and the Office of Web Services, as well as the university Webmaster. He directed and designed all aspects of Lesley�s integrated Web portfolio, including the content management system and Web publishing support, and trained campus staff from 75 university offices on providing content for the Web site. Mr. Lofstead began his higher education career as a communications specialist at Brown University (RI).
Presentations and education: Mr. Lofstead has presented at the national user conferences for Datatel and Blackboard. He holds a master of science degree from Lesley University. |