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Profile of Michael O'Reilly

Michael O'Reilly

Chmn., Dir., CEO, Pres. - Windswept Environmental Group Inc.
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Company Name : Windswept Environmental Group Inc.
Company Website : www.tradewindsenvironmental.com
Company Address : 100 Sweeneydale Ave.
, Bay Shore, NY,
United States,
Michael O'Reilly Profile :
Chmn., Dir., CEO, Pres. - Windswept Environmental Group Inc.
Michael O'Reilly Biography :

In 1996, the shareholders of Windswept Environmental Group, Inc. (the publicly traded parent company of TradeWinds), elected Mr. O�Reilly to the position of Chairman and CEO of Windswept. He currently holds the position of CEO of Windswept. Michael is also the CEO and President of TradeWinds Environmental Restoration, the wholly owned subsidiary.

Michael O�Reilly�s commitment to preserving and protecting the environment, spans over a quarter of a century and was strengthened by the experience he gained while leading commercial diving teams in the Caribbean, Central and South America. A lifelong outdoorsman, Mr. O�Reilly is also a Licensed Wildlife Rehabilitator, who holds federal and state permits to breed and raise endangered species.

Over the past 20 years, Mr. O�Reilly has become a nationally recognized leader in the environmental remediation industry through his innovative techniques in both training and managing his company.

A frequent speaker on topics such as The Flight 800 Disaster, The Efforts at the WTC Disaster, Weapons of Mass Destruction, Emergency Response, Environmental Remediation Projects, Regulatory Practices and Developments in the Restoration Industry and Mold, he has been featured on: WNBC, WABC, NPR, CNN and published in NY Times, Wall Street Journal, The Daily News and Long Island publications such as Long Island Business News and Newsday.

He is a published author in the Aspatore Books edition of Inside The Minds: The Green Companies, a review of business owners in the environmental industry.

In 2001 Michael O�Reilly was a finalist in Ernst & Young�s Entrepreneur of the Year Award.

He has directed over 30,000 environmental remediation projects ranging from structural decontamination (including mold, asbestos and lead abatement), marine oil spill response, soil decontamination, HAZ-MAT, chemical, Weapons of Mass Destruction response, wetland restoration and wildlife rehabilitation. Most recently, Mr. O�Reilly has developed innovative solutions to microbial contamination of structures and has completed 1000�s of clean ups, accounting for over 4 million square feet of area within commercial and residential facilities.

Mr. O'Reilly has personally supervised 800 technicians on a single mold remediation project located in New York, as well as coordinating a massive mold cleanup for a major hotel in Hawaii.

On the evening of September 11th, Trade-Winds were summoned by a number of clients who had a significant presence in the financial district. Within 24 hours, Mr. O'Reilly spear-headed Trade-Winds mobilization of upwards of 2000 HAZ-MAT trained and asbestos licensed individuals to respond directly to those businesses affected by the devastation. To date, some 45 buildings and some 60 projects have been completed by Trade-Winds.

He has also overseen approximately 2 dozen Anthrax cleanups including Governor George Pataki office, as well as a major Federal building in Washington DC.

Federally and State qualified to teach asbestos, lead, HAZWOPER, and other courses, Mr. O�Reilly was a pioneer in the development of environmental health and safety training. In 1986, he was one of the original trainers selected to participate in the EPA sponsored pilot asbestos training program conducted by Tufts University, where he taught for 3-years.

Since then, he has taught environmental health and safety at many of the major training facilities throughout the U.S., and has developed environmental, health and safety training as part of Trade-Winds suite of services.

Mr. O�Reilly is qualified to lecture on more than twenty different disciplines.

Additionally, Mr. O�Reilly has frequently been utilized as an expert witness and consultant for litigation and insurance claims in cases involving environmental, ecological and property damage.

Michael O'Reilly Colleagues :
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