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Profile of Michael Philipp

Michael Philipp

Client Exec. - Washington, DC - James Lee Witt Associates LLC
Michael Philipp Email :
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Company Name : James Lee Witt Associates LLC
Company Website : www.wittassociates.com
Company Address : 1501 M St. NW
, Washington, DC,
United States,
Michael Philipp Profile :
Client Exec. - Washington, DC - James Lee Witt Associates LLC
Michael Philipp Biography :

Michael Philipp is currently a Client Executive for James Lee Witt Associates. As a member of the Corporate Headquarters his responsibilities include, research and writing, business development, and client outreach.

Prior to joining James Lee Witt Associates, Mr. Philipp worked for the American Red Cross. While at the American Red Cross, Mr. Philipp worked in the Preparedness and Response Department helping to craft the message of American Red Cross Preparedness material and brochures. Mr. Philipp also served as project liaison between the American Red Cross Preparedness and Response Department and local chapters to help create and publicize the American Red Cross's new Safe and Well Website. He was also co-project lead on a project that brought in local area high schools to assist in the creation of a new American Red Cross Fire Safety Video game.

Mr. Philipp is a 2006 graduate of Washington College with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology and minor in Sociology.

Michael Philipp Colleagues :
Name Title Email

James Lee Witt

Chmn., CEO Please login

Wesley Clark

Vice Chmn., Sr. Advisor - WA, DC Please login

Rodney Slater

Vice Chmn., Sr. Advisor - WA, DC Please login

Pate Felts

Sr. Advisor - Washington, DC Please login

Mark Merritt

Pres. - Atlanta, GA Please login

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