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Profile of Michael Silsbee

Michael Silsbee

Sr. Scientist - RJ Lee Group Inc.
Michael Silsbee Email :
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Company Name : RJ Lee Group Inc.
Company Website : www.rjlg.com
Company Address : 350 Hochberg Rd.
, Monroeville, PA,
United States,
Michael Silsbee Profile :
Sr. Scientist - RJ Lee Group Inc.
Michael Silsbee Biography :

Dr. Michael Silsbee has more than 20 years experience in the laboratory. He came to RJLG in 2004 to assist with the ongoing efforts to develop new products for the construction industry. He manages projects involving the evaluation of construction materials, mainly focusing on concrete related projects. Dr. Silsbee is actively involved in the development of a new line of corrosion inhibitors from concrete. He is also assisting in the commercialization of a process that recovers oil and carbon black from scrap tires. Along with Dr. Boyd Clark, he has been instrument in advancing our ability to predict the service life of concrete structures. He has extensive experience in the area of supplementary cementitious materials. In addition to traditional fireproofing materials he also works with a variety of other materials such as spray applied fire resistant materials, stuccos, bricks and other masonry products. Historically, he also has experience in the areas of mine reclamation and the environmental impacts of unpaved roads. With over twenty years experience in the area of construction materials, Dr. Silsbee has the ability to address a wide range of needs.

Michael Silsbee Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Kimberly Allison-Campbell

Mgr., Mineralogy Services Please login

Kristy Anderson

Sr. Exec. Assist., Mgr., Corporate Outreach Please login

Glynnis Anne Bowman

Regional Mgr., Industrial Hygiene Services Please login

Casey Bunker

Assist. Dir., Laboratory Operations Please login

Kristin Bunker

Scientist Please login

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