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Profile of Michael Sinclair

Michael Sinclair

Chmn. - Med-Emerg International Inc.
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Company Name : Med-Emerg International Inc.
Company Website : www.med-emerg.com
Company Address : 6711 Mississauga Rd.
Ste. 404, Mississauga, ON,
Michael Sinclair Profile :
Chmn. - Med-Emerg International Inc.
Michael Sinclair Biography :

Dr. Sinclair has been involved in several healthcare staffing companies in North America and the United Kingdom. Dr. Sinclair was Chairman and the largest individual shareholder of Lifetime Corporation, a NYSE listed company. Through his vision and leadership, Lifetime grew to the largest home healthcare provider in the US with about U$1.2 billion in revenues and over 70,000 nurses affiliated through its nationwide branches. It was sold for more than US $600 million. Currently, he is the co-founder and Chairman of Atlantic Medical Management, which manages the New York based healthcare venture fund Atlantic Medical Capital. He serves as the non-executive chairman of two portfolio companies: Nursefinders and Healthcare Capital Resources. Dr. Sinclair has served as Chairman of the Company�s Board of Directors since May 2004.

Michael Sinclair Colleagues :
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Sidney Braun

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John Yarnell

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Manfred Walt

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William Danis

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Lewis MacKenzie

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