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Profile of Michael Smith

Michael Smith

Attorney - Fresno - Lozano Smith
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Company Name : Lozano Smith
Company Website : www.lozanosmith.com
Company Address : 7404 North Spalding
, Fresno, CA,
United States,
Michael Smith Profile :
Attorney - Fresno - Lozano Smith
Michael Smith Biography :

Michael E. Smith is a founding shareholder of Lozano Smith. He is a school law attorney, an educator and a speaker. Mr. Smith graduated from Claremont Men's College (Magna Cum Laude) and obtained his J.D. from the University of California Davis. He was admitted to the California Bar in 1980, and has represented school districts for more than 25 years. In addition to his General Counsel experience, Mr. Smith offers specific expertise in matters of labor and personnel, student issues, and civil rights, as well as vast experience in the broader aspects of education law.

Mr. Smith is a past President of the California Council of School Attorneys, current President of the California School Board's Education Legal Alliance Advisory Board, a member of the Advisory Board to the School of Education at California State University, Fresno, and a former member of the Board of Directors of NSBA's National Council of School Attorneys. Mr. Smith has also taught Education Law at California State University, Fresno, for many years and is a former adjunct professor at San Joaquin College of Law.

Mr. Smith's talents are highly sought as a presenter on education law issues. He is a frequent speaker at national and statewide conferences, which include the National School Boards Association, the National Council of School Attorneys, the California School Boards Association, the California Council of School Attorneys, the Association of California School Administrators institutes, and the National Association of Educational Negotiators Conference.

His articles include "The Effective Use of Counsel" published by LRP's The Special Educator, September 2002; "The Collective Bargaining Impacts of No Child Left Behind" published in LRP Managing School Business, August 2003 and the NCLB Advisor, August 2003; "Educators: Set Aside 'Culture of Cynicism', Mind set of Negativity; Focus on Positive" published by LRP's California Special Education Alert, January 2004; "Find Silver Lining in Legal Gloom, Doom" (re: NCLB, IDEA & other acronyms) and "NCLB Far From Perfect, But Signals a Push in the Right Direction", both published in LRP Publications, January 2004; "Lawfully Teaching About Religion in Schools" published by the NSBA, April 2005; "Keep Staff Out Of The Dark On Parental Notification Mandates" published by LRP Publications in Your NCLB Advisor, March 2006; "The Intersection of Sexual Orientation, Free Speech, and Religion in the Schools" published by The Council of School Attorneys, November 2006; and "The Girl Who Would Be Prom King" published by NSBA, June 2007.

Michael Smith Colleagues :
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Jerome Behrens

Attorney - Fresno Please login

Namita Brown

Attorney - San Ramon Please login

Victor Bullock

Sr. Counsel - Los Angeles Please login

Ronda Chow

Assoc. - Los Angeles Please login

Scott Cross

Assoc. - Fresno Please login

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