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Profile of Michael Weil

Michael Weil

Dir. - Huron Consulting Group Inc.
Michael Weil Email :
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Company Name : Huron Consulting Group Inc.
Company Website : www.huronconsultinggroup.com
Company Address : 550 W Van Buren St.
, Chicago, IL,
United States,
Michael Weil Profile :
Dir. - Huron Consulting Group Inc.
Michael Weil Biography :

Mike has more than eight years of computer forensics and investigations experience.

Professional Experience

Prior to joining Huron Mike was a Section Chief and Computer Forensic Examiner for the Department of Defense Computer Forensics Laboratory in Linthicum Maryland.

Representative examples of Mike's engagement experience include:

Led the computer forensic team on the examination of the Department of Defense's first fraud investigation involving over one terabyte of data.

Conducted over 175 computer forensic examinations on criminal and counter-intelligence matters involving homicide espionage fraud computer intrusions and sexual assault.

Worked extensively with the Federal Bureau of Investigations on the computer forensics and investigation related to the attacks on September 11th 2001.

Consulted with the U.S. Intelligence Community on the development of large-scale computer forensic systems.

Testified in an attempted murder trial as a computer forensic expert witness for the government. U.S. v Carl W. Axelson Camp Ederle.

Created and managed a first of its kind team dedicated to imaging and extracting computer forensic data which significantly improved computer forensic examination turnaround time for the Department of Defense.

Developed a computer system for the rapid forensic exploitation of computer data for the Department of Defense.

Provided computer forensic and investigation training sessions for law enforcement officers around the world.

Assisted the University of Central Florida's National Center for Forensic Science in developing their Network Forensics Curriculum.

Set national computer forensic disk imaging standards by sitting on the National Institute of Standards and Technology's Disk Imaging Specifications Committee.

Developed national computer forensic best practices as Vice-chairman of the Scientific Working Group on Digital Evidence's Computer Forensic subcommittee.

Participated on the National Institute of Justice's Technical Working Group for the Examination of Digital Evidence which was chartered to write a book on computer forensic examinations.

Education & Certifications

Master of Business Administration Management Information Systems Concentration University of Baltimore

Bachelor of Science Mathematics Loyola University Chicago

Professional Associations

Member American Academy of Forensic Scientists


Published the analytical technique Dynamic Time and Date Stamp Analysis in the International Journal of Digital Evidence 1(2).

Michael Weil Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Gary Holdren

Chmn., CEO, Pres. Please login

Gary Burge

VP, CFO, Treasurer Please login

Daniel Broadhurst

VP, COO Please login

Natalia Delgado

VP, General Counsel, Corp. Sec. Please login

Wayne Lipski

Controller, Assist. Treasurer Please login

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