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Profile of Michel Malo

Michel Malo

Exec. VP - Hedge Funds, Investment Division - Caisse De depot et placement Du Quebec
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Company Name : Caisse De depot et placement Du Quebec
Company Website : www.lacaisse.com
Company Address : 1540 Broadway
Ste. 1600, New York, NY,
United States,
Michel Malo Profile :
Exec. VP - Hedge Funds, Investment Division - Caisse De depot et placement Du Quebec
Michel Malo Biography :

Michel Malo was appointed Executive Vice-President, Hedge Funds, Investment Division, at Caisse de d�p�t et placement du Qu�bec in September 2006. As such, he is responsible for managing the Hedge Funds and Commodities portfolios.

He is also responsible for developing in-house expertise in hedge fund management as well as for relations with external hedge funds.

Mr. Malo is a member of the Caisse�s Management and Investment Division committees.


Michel Malo has more than 20 years� experience in portfolio and asset management, acquired while working for brokerage firms and major financial institutions. Prior to joining the Caisse, he was Chief Investment Officer - Canada and Director of Portfolio Management at State Street International Global Advisors, where he also sat on the company�s Investment Committee. Moreover, he pioneered portfolio management and was a shareholder at Natcan Investment Management.

Before his most recent appointment, Mr. Malo was Executive Vice-President, Analysis and Optimization, a position he held since 2004.

A finance graduate from Concordia University, Michel Malo is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA).

Michel Malo Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Claudette Carbonneau

Board Dir. Please login

Louise Charette

Board Dir. Please login

Steven Cummings

Dir., Member - Human Resources Committee Please login

Alban D�Amours

Dir., Member - Risk Management Committee Please login

Sylvie Dillard

Dir., Guest Member - Human Resources Committee Please login

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