Mandate and number of AXA sharesElected on April 20, 2005 - Term expires at the 2009 Shareholders' Meeting
First elected to the Board on January 22, 1997
Member of the AXA Finance Committee
Member of the AXA Selection, Ethics, Governance and Human Resources Committee
Number of AXA shares held as of December 31, 2006: 4,666
Other mandatesChairman of the Board of Directors:, BNP Paribas
Director or member of the Supervisory Board: AXA, Saint Gobain, Total, Lafarge, Banque Marocaine pour le Commerce et l'Industrie (BMCI), Pargesa Holding SA (Switzerland)
Chairman: F�d�ration Bancaire Europ�enne, Commission Banque d'Investissement et de March�s of the F�d�ration Bancaire Fran�aise, Conseil de Direction of the Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris, Supervisory Board of the Institut Aspen France, Institut de l'Entreprise
Member: Haut Conseil de l'Education, Institut International d'Etudes Bancaires, International Advisory Panel de Monetary, Authority of Singapore (Singapore), International Capital Markets Advisory Committee of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (United States), International Business Leaders' Advisory Council for the Mayor of Shanga� (IBLAC), Conseil Ex�cutif du Mouvement des Entreprises de France, European Financial Round Table
Non-voting member of the Board: Galeries Lafayette
EducationEcole Polytechnique, Ecole Nationale d'Administration
Professional experience1967: Auditor at the Treasury
1970 - 1974: Project leader and then Adviser to the Cabinet of the Finance Minister (Val�ry Giscard d'Estaing)
1971 - 1982: Project leader, and then, sub-Manager, Assistant Manager and Head of the public revenue Department of the Finance Ministry
1978 - 1981: Head of the Finance Minister's Cabinet (Ren� Monory)
1982 - 1987: Chief Executive Officer of Cr�dit Commercial de France
1987 - 1993: Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Cr�dit Commercial de France
1993 - 2000: Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Banque National de Paris
2000 - 2003: Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of BNP Paribas
Since 2004: Chairman of the Board of Directors of de BNP Paribas |