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Profile of Michele Dininny

Michele Dininny

Customer Support Mgr. - Wellington-Royce Corp.
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Company Name : Wellington-Royce Corp.
Company Website : www.wellington-royce.com
Company Address : 6065 Roswell Rd.
No. 2200, Atlanta, GA,
United States,
Michele Dininny Profile :
Customer Support Mgr. - Wellington-Royce Corp.
Michele Dininny Biography :

Michele Dininny is the Customer Support Manager for Wellington-Royce. Often she is the first person a customer speaks to on the Toll-Free Customer Support Line that is provided for all our customers. That means when a customer calls with any software issue, Michele does the primary analysis and then moves the issue to the best resource for a solution. The Wellington-Royce BASE System is designed to be flexible for any customer's needs. So a majority of issues have to do with educating the customer on having the system set-up correctly or how to change certain indicators so the system can deliver the function the customer wants to have. Michele may handle the call herself or move it to other telephone support personnel with instructions on solving the issue. Or she may designate it as a programming issue or a hardware issue and move it to the appropriate support personnel. Michele has been in the General Aviation industry for over 22 years. She has used her computer skills in various departments including shipping, receiving, purchasing, and personnel. She began working at an FBO in New York in 1985. At the time it was the largest Cessna dealer in the northeast. There, she produced Payroll, handled Receivables, and created, maintained and closed Work Orders. Michele was continually involved with the General Aviation software. She was also involved with the training of the software to other users within the company. She worked as their technical support by installing new applications and performing release upgrades. She also ran the month-end processing of the software as well as maintaining the user manual documentation. On January 1, 2000, Michele began working for Wellington-Royce and was made the primary Support Analyst in her Customer Support role. Based on her extensive knowledge of General Aviation software and her commitment to providing high quality support, she was promoted to Customer Support Manager. She also provides many of the quarterly training sessions that Wellington-Royce customers receive as part of their annual support agreement. Whether on the phone or in a training session, Michele helps customers understand how to use the BASE System more thoroughly to their company's benefit. Even though she takes her commitment to supporting the customers seriously, she sometimes uses a little humor to let the customer know things are going to come out alright. Many customers have talked on the phone with Michele for years and they like to get together with her at the training sessions to enjoy their familiar friendship in person. She says that she continually tries to put herself in the customer's place. She knows many of the customers don't have a technical background and she listens to them to help them resolve what she knows can be an important user question. She has made the point to her Customer Support associates that she believes the adage "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". She thoroughly enjoys training and helping people solve their issues and she considers herself one of the lucky ones she gets paid for doing something she really loves.

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