Miguel Normando Abdalla Saad Born on 02/07/1950 he majored in Civil Engineering from Escola de Engenharia de S�o Carlos USP in 1973 and held several positions of trust at CESP - Companhia Energ�tica de S�o Paulo from 1974 to 2000 among which Civil Engineering Laboratory�s Concrete Sector Head Engineer Hydric and Thermal Resources Division Manager Electrical System Planning Department Assistant Manager and Construction and Contracts Department Manager. From 1994 to 1997 he acted as Chairman of N�cleo S�o Paulo do Comit� Brasileiro de Grandes Barragens Large Dam Brazilian Committee S�o Paulo Core. He currently holds the positions of Energy Generation Vice Chairman of CPFL Gera��o and CPFL Sul Centrais El�tricas; Director Superintendent and Investor Relations Officer of Foz do Chapec� Energia; and CFO of Cons�rcio Energ�tico Foz do Chapec�. In addition he is a member of the Board of Directors of Foz de Chapec� Cons�rcio Foz do Chapec� BAESA ENERCAN and CERAN. On 08/28/2002 he became the Company�s Energy Generation Vice Chairman.