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Profile of Mike Beckerle

Mike Beckerle

CTO - Oco Inc.
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Company Name : Oco Inc.
Company Website : www.oco-inc.com
Company Address : 504 Totten Pond Rd.
, Waltham, MA,
United States,
Mike Beckerle Profile :
CTO - Oco Inc.
Mike Beckerle Biography :

Mike defines the strategic direction for and leads the development of Oco�s world-class technologies. He brings 20 years of strong technical leadership in advanced technology with a focus on strategic large-scale information-system deployments and the design, implementation, and operation of scalable software and hardware systems.

Most recently Mike was at IBM where he was an architect for core scalable processing capabilities in the IBM Information Server (formerly Ascential DataStage). He came to IBM when it acquired Ascential Software in 2005, and had come to Ascential in 2001 when it acquired his startup company, Torrent Systems, where he initially created the scalable computing technology that has delivered enduring value to customers from 1995 to today.

Mike became an advocate of the software-as-a-service approach in 1999 when he co-founded a start-up technology company, Fact City, which created an Internet-based information service to enhance the content of high-volume Internet search portals.

Mike has served as co-chair for the Data Format Description Language (DFDL) standard workgroup, and on the ANSI X3J13 standard for the Common Lisp programming language.

Mike earned his Masters in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering from M.I.T, and his Bachelors� Degree in Mathematics from the University of Waterloo in Waterloo, Ontario. He is a named inventor on eight patents.

Mike Beckerle Colleagues :
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William Copacino

CEO, Pres. Please login

Anil Chitkara

Sr. VP - Sales, Marketing Please login

Andrea Franz

CFO Please login

Dev Nayak

VP - Delivery Please login

Joe Schramm

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