Mike Binkley is a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) specialist whose primary responsibility is the application of new technology to Davey endeavors. Past projects include the use of GIS analysis to resolve environmental and natural resource management issues, the development of Davey�s GIS-based Asset Manager software and handheld field data collection software, as well as online mapping and web design, GPS vehicle tracking, satellite derived land cover classification, and cartographic design. As such, he strives to maintain extensive knowledge of contemporary GIS software as well as common operating system software and hardware platforms. In addition, he teaches GIS programming part-time at Kent State University.
Expertise: GIS analysis, programming, and project management; satellite remote sensing; GPS technology; field collection equipment; web site creation; computer hardware and software
Degrees and Certifications:
Master of Arts in Geography GIS, Kent State University
Bachelor of Science with Honors in Natural Resource Conservation with minors in Climatology and Geography, Kent State University
Professional Affiliations:
University of Akron GIS/LIS Advisory Committee
American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
Association of American Geographers
Ohio Academy of Science
American Geophysical Union
GIS Users Group of Northern Ohio |