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Profile of Mike McCall

Mike McCall

Chmn., CEO - Luminant Energy - Energy Future Holdings Corp.
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Company Name : Energy Future Holdings Corp.
Company Website : www.energyfutureholdings.com
Company Address : 1601 Bryan St.
Energy Plz., Dallas, TX,
United States,
Mike McCall Profile :
Chmn., CEO - Luminant Energy - Energy Future Holdings Corp.
Mike McCall Biography :

Mike McCall, 48, is chairman and CEO of TXU Wholesale. TXU Wholesale optimizes the purchases and sales of energy for generation and retail businesses in the competitive wholesale market. McCall's business optimizes the value of TXU Power's generation plants and delivers the most efficient sourcing of power for TXU Energy, TXU's retail business. In addition, TXU Wholesale is well positioned to service the needs of other market participants.

Since joining TXU Wholesale, McCall has restructured the organization to improve key areas of the business. For example, asset management, the organization that optimizes the short and long gas and electric positions, has been separated from trading to improve the focus on a key economic risk area for the company. Likewise, the risk management, accounting and financial planning areas are now aligned under the PFO, and significant progress is occurring in the development of daily P&Ls and position reporting. To improve decision-making in the competitive businesses, TXU Wholesale will begin monthly briefings with TXU Power and TXU Energy concerning market fundamentals, TXU commercial positions and current public policy issues.

McCall has held a broad variety of management positions in his 25-year career at TXU. He began TXU Mining Company with responsibilities progressing from engineer to mine manager. In 1994, he moved to a management position in the finance and accounting organization. This position had responsibility for leading the annual business planning process, providing management accounting and financial support to all TXU business organizations and leading several change initiatives to prepare the company for the competitive market.

From mid-1997 through 2002, McCall held positions in the public policy arena as Texas was restructuring the electric industry, including director, public policy issues and later as vice president of regulatory affairs in Austin. During this period, TXU was faced with evaluating the optimal market design for the electric industry and advocating that design to other industry stakeholders and ultimately the Texas Legislature and Public Utility Commission.

From 2003 until its sale in October 2004, McCall was president of TXU Gas, which provided local natural gas distribution service to 1.5 million customers in Texas and gas transportation service to large industrial customers and other shippers on 7,000 miles of intrastate pipeline.

Beginning in April of 2004 through August of 2005, McCall was a senior vice president in TXU Power with responsibility for corporate-wide environmental and safety activities, fuel strategy and acquisition for TXU Power and the operations of TXU Mining Company.

McCall graduated from the Missouri School of Mines at the University of Missouri at Rolla in 1980, with a B.S. in mining engineering. A registered professional engineer, he serves on the boards of the Edison Electric Institute, the National Mining Association and the Association of Electric Companies of Texas. McCall also serves on the National Coal Council, the University of Texas - Environmental Science Institute Advisory Council and the steering committee of the Bill Priest Institute at the Dallas County Community College District.

Mike and his wife, Jan, have one 15-year-old son, Jake, and they live in the Dallas area.

Mike McCall Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Jim Burke

CEO - TXU Energy Please login

David Campbell

CEO - Luminant Please login

Chuck Enze

CEO - Luminant Construction Please login

Mike Greene

Vice Chmn. Please login

Tim Hogan

VP - Financial Reporting Please login

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