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Profile of Miles Leggett

Miles Leggett

G, G Technical Lead - GeoGlobal Resources Inc.
Miles Leggett Email :
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Company Name : GeoGlobal Resources Inc.
Company Website : www.geoglobal.com
Company Address : 605- 1 St. SW
Ste. No. 310, Calgary, AB,
Miles Leggett Profile :
G, G Technical Lead - GeoGlobal Resources Inc.
Miles Leggett Biography :

Miles Leggett joined the management team on February 15 2006. Mr. Leggett is an innovative geoscientist with particular expertise in quantitative interpretation analysis and reservoir characterization. Mr Leggett has 13 years of experience with seismic inversion and quantitative interpretation for E&P and has extensive exposure to clastic and carbonate environments across the globe. Prior to joining GeoGlobal Resources Inc. Mr. Leggett was employed by Fugro-Jason in both Canada and Dubai Oman for 6 years and by Jason Geosystems in Rotterdam London for the preceding 3 years. His international experience also includes working for companies in Loughborough U.K. Glasgow U.K. and Switzerland. Mr. Leggett received his B.Sc. Hons. (Upper Second) Geophysics from the University of Edinburgh in 1989 as well as his Ph.D. Borehole Seismic and Tomography from the Durham University in 1993.

Miles Leggett Colleagues :
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Peter Smith

Chmn. Please login

Michael Hudson

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Brent Peters

Board Dir. Please login

Allan Kent

Dir., Exec. VP, CFO Please login

Jean Roy

Dir., Pres., CEO Please login

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