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Profile of Miles Standish

Miles Standish

Sr. Grader, VP - Business Development - Collectors Universe Inc.
Miles Standish Email :
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Company Name : Collectors Universe Inc.
Company Website : www.collectors.com
Company Address : 1921 E Alton Ave.
, Santa Ana, CA,
United States,
Miles Standish Profile :
Sr. Grader, VP - Business Development - Collectors Universe Inc.
Miles Standish Biography :

Miles Standish has graded and authenticated many coins from the finest 1913 Liberty Nickel to the "Holy Grail" of 1804 Dollars. He was a co-founder of Collectors Universe and was the first full time coin grader at PCGS. He served as Vice President of PSA; authenticating Mark McGwire's 70th homerun ball and Hank Aaron's 714th bat and ball.

Miles' programs have substantially increased the number of graded coins in the marketplace. He provides strategic advice to coin dealers insight to serious collectors; collaborates with publishers mentors young hobbyists presents expert testimony at trial and introduces successful coin packaging programs for a variety of modern coins.

He spearheaded the development of limited edition commemorative coin and autograph holders for former Presidents Bush and Ford Lance Armstrong General Tommy Franks Kathy Sullivan Jessica Lynch and former U.S. Mint Directors Donna Pope Jay W. Johnson and Philip Diehl. In fact it was a result of the personal recommendation of President Ford that President Bush met with Miles and committed to the program.

Miles Standish Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Steve Van Maanen

Assist. Dir. - Grading, Professional Sports Authenticator Please login

Reza Tabatabai

Dir. - Grading, Professional Sports Authenticator Please login

Joseph Wallace

CFO Please login

Deborah Farrington

Board Dir. Please login

Randy Shoemaker

Dir. - Expertizing, Professional Stamp Experts, PSE Please login

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