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Profile of Mitchell Wilk

Mitchell Wilk

MD, San Francisco - Lecg Corp.
Mitchell Wilk Email :
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Company Name : Lecg Corp.
Company Website : www.lecg.com
Company Address : 2000 Powell St.
Ste. 600, Emeryville, CA,
United States,
Mitchell Wilk Profile :
MD, San Francisco - Lecg Corp.
Mitchell Wilk Biography :

Mitch Wilk is Managing Director of worldwide telecommunications industry consulting in the Economics & Policy practice group of LECG. Mr. Wilk joined the firm in October, 1999, from Wilk & Associates, Inc., a public policy research and consulting practice he founded in 1991, following careers in both the public and private sectors, most recently as Commissioner and President of the California Public Utilities Commission. Prior to his appointment to the Commission, Mr. Wilk was Deputy Legislative Secretary, and later, Deputy Chief of Staff to California Governor George Deukmejian. Mr. Wilk's consulting experience has emphasized strategic advice to CEOs and other senior executives of regulated industries, with a focus on independent, sounding board guidance regarding industry and regulatory change and opportunities, legislation, and media relations. Among others, the nationwide clients of Wilk & Associates, Inc. included major telecommunications and energy utilities, government agencies, and prominent law firms. Mr. Wilk earned B.S. and M.B.A. degrees in finance from The American University in Washington, D.C.

Mitchell Wilk Colleagues :
Name Title Email

David Teece

Co - Founder, Vice Chmn. Please login

Marvin Tenenbaum

VP, General Counsel, Sec. Please login

William Liebeck

Dir. Please login

Tina Bussone

Head - Human Resources, Operations Please login

David Kaplan

Exec. Dir. - Washington DC Please login

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