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Profile of Mitsi Messier

Mitsi Messier

Assoc. VP - Noel-Levitz Inc.
Mitsi Messier Email :
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Company Name : Noel-Levitz Inc.
Company Website : www.noellevitz.com
Company Address : 2350 Oakdale Blvd.
, Coralville, IA,
United States,
Mitsi Messier Profile :
Assoc. VP - Noel-Levitz Inc.
Mitsi Messier Biography :

As a service team leader for the Financial Aid Services division, Mitsi Messier works to enhance and develop that division�s services while also assisting campuses with their financial aid management. Her areas of expertise include strategic financial aid planning, simulation modeling, and monitoring the implementation of financial aid plans.

Ms. Messier has consulted directly with more than 30 campuses, both public and private, including Saint Louis University (MO), the University of Mobile (AL), Paul Smith�s College (NY), the University of Missouri-Columbia, and the University of the Incarnate Word (TX). Her efforts have helped campuses realize significant gains in enrollment, academic profile, and net revenue, including: Growth in first-year student enrollment and net revenue of 32.6 percent and 32 percent respectively, and an average SAT increase of 37 points for incoming students at a private four-year college in the East A net revenue increase of 13.3 percent at a private four-year university in the Midwest A first-year student enrollment increase of 30 percent and net revenue growth of 51 percent in just one year at a private four-year university in the South Optimization of scholarships at a flagship public four-year university in the Midwest, including identifying new scholarships to add and one program to eliminate


Ms. Messier holds a B.B.A. from the University of Iowa and has completed graduate coursework towards a certificate in enrollment management in higher education through the University of Florida.

Mitsi Messier Colleagues :
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Derek Boren

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