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Profile of Morrie Brown

Morrie Brown

Owner, Chief PrintPoint Architect - PrintPoint Inc.
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Company Name : PrintPoint Inc.
Company Website : www.printpoint.com
Company Address : 57 Ludlow Ln.
, Palisades, NY,
United States,
Morrie Brown Profile :
Owner, Chief PrintPoint Architect - PrintPoint Inc.
Morrie Brown Biography :

I was drawn into the printing world when I invented/patented the MicroGuide. MicroGuide was a small credit-card size device that opened up and included miniaturized maps and graphics inside a loop style view box. In order to create this product I had to learn postscript and I became a pretty serious PS hacker. This was all right at the dawn of Pagemaker and even before Adobe Illustrator. I was hacking Linotronic 100s and 300s PPD files when they first came out. In order to get these MicroGuide mini-maps printed I manually color separated the postscript code for 2 passes on a GTO 5 Color. After moving out of NYC, I found a great printer in northern New Jersey who offered me an office to run my business and help computerize their shop. My wife came to visit one day and asked, How can you stand the smell here? My reply, What smell? That�s when I knew I was hooked on printing. I started PrintPoint in 1992 at that shop and took it commercial shortly thereafter. It's been 14 1/2 years now, and the best part is getting to know some customers well enough that I can call them friends. The rest of the time I am pretty busy with my wife and son (now 8 1/2) and always trying to finish building our house. In a former incarnation, I was performing musician in the 70�s and a record producer/song writer in the 80�s. Lucky enough to have a few hit records back then.

Morrie Brown Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Peter Adam

Sr. Programmer, , Technical Support, Distributor Australasia Please login

Jesse Wiegand

Lead Tech Support Specialist, Customer Service, Sales, Superreport Evangelist Please login

Doreen Munkelt

Customer Service, Office Administrator Please login

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