Naren K. Gursahaney is President of ADT Worldwide, the world�s largest electronic security provider to residential, commercial, industrial and governmental customers. He previously served as President of Tyco Engineered Products and Services as well as President of Tyco Flow Control. Naren joined Tyco in 2003 as Senior Vice President of Operational Excellence for Tyco International. Prior to joining Tyco, he was President and CEO of GE Medical Systems Asia, where he was responsible for the company�s $1.6B sales and services business in the Asia-Pacific region. During his 10-year career with GE, Naren held senior leadership positions in services, marketing and information management within the Medical Systems and Power Systems divisions. He also worked at GE�s corporate headquarters as staff executive for the vice chairman and manager of business development. Previously, Naren spent four years with Booz Allen & Hamilton in Cleveland, Ohio and also worked as an engineer for Westinghouse Electric Corporation in Baltimore, Maryland and Ashdod, Israel. Naren holds a master�s degree in business administration from the University of Virginia, Darden School and a bachelor�s degree in mechanical engineering from the Pennsylvania State University. |