Graduated in Chemical Engineering from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, with a postgraduate degree in Process Engineering in Petrobras. He has completed MBA courses for managers and executives at the Get�lio Vargas Foundation (FGV). He has held positions in the energy area of Petrobras' Industrial Department since 1984. The posts he has held are: head of the Energy Sector in the industrial area; he also coordinated the working party responsible for the selection of partners in, and the initial negotiations of, the thermal generation projects; in his position as advisor to the Presidency of Petrobras for the Development of New Businesses and Partnerships area, he was responsible for projects and the negotiation of the agreements and contracts with domestic and international partners for the thermoelectric generation plants; he was the Company's general coordinator of thermoelectric generation projects and Manager for Thermoelectric Plants in the Participations Department; he has represented PB on the Boards of 12 thermoelectric plants. Over the past three years, he has held the position as Managing Director for Energy in the Gas and Energy Division of Petrobras, responsible for the Company's participation in the Thermoelectric Program (in this function, he was also responsible for the sale of energy generated by the Company); he was also an advisor to the Presidency of the Brazilian Emergency Energy Commercialization (Presid�ncia da Comercializadora Brasileira de Energia Emergencial - CBEE) under the aegis of the Ministry of Mines and Energy.