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Profile of Nicholas Tzitzon

Nicholas Tzitzon

Government Policy Advisor - Dykema Gossett PLLC
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Company Name : Dykema Gossett PLLC
Company Website : www.dykema.com
Company Address : 2723 S State St.
Ste. 400, Ann Arbor, MI,
United States,
Nicholas Tzitzon Profile :
Government Policy Advisor - Dykema Gossett PLLC
Nicholas Tzitzon Biography :

Mr. Tzitzon's practice focuses on helping Dykema clients build partnerships with federal agencies and other policy-makers in Washington. He works with other members of the Dykema legislative team in identifying ways to help clients achieve thought leadership on major national issues, including health care reform and homeland security. He also advises clients on competing for federal grant funding.

Prior to joining Dykema, Mr. Tzitzon was chief of staff in the Justice Department's Office of Justice Programs, a $3 billion federal grant funding agency. As chief of staff, he managed day-to-day operations and was a senior advisor on a full range of government programs, policies and administrative issues. His Justice portfolio also included issues ranging from counterterrorism to protecting children from online predators. Before joining the Department of Justice, Mr. Tzitzon served as deputy intergovernmental affairs director in the Office of the Secretary of Health and Human Services. Under Secretary Tommy G. Thompson, his responsibilities included linking officials from state, local and tribal governments with federal policy-makers on a full range of health care issues, including Medicare Part D, Medicaid and preventative healthcare. He also coordinated activities in the ten HHS regional offices located across the country and was a reviewer of all HHS grant announcements.

Before coming to Washington, Mr. Tzitzon served in the state administrations of two former Massachusetts Governors: Mitt Romney and Paul Cellucci. More recently for Governor Romney, he oversaw the recruitment and appointment process for hundreds of state boards and committees. Mr. Tzitzon also served as political director for the Massachusetts Republican Party and as chief of municipal government affairs for the City of Haverhill, Massachusetts.

He was awarded the United States Senate scholarship and received his bachelor's degree from Suffolk University in Boston, Massachusetts.

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