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Profile of Nicole Granquist

Nicole Granquist

Partner - Downey Brand Seymour & Rohwer LLP
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Company Name : Downey Brand Seymour & Rohwer LLP
Company Website : www.downeybrand.com
Company Address : 555 Capitol Mall
10th Fl., Sacramento, CA,
United States,
Nicole Granquist Profile :
Partner - Downey Brand Seymour & Rohwer LLP
Nicole Granquist Biography :


Lead counsel for public agencies and private parties on all aspects of water quality permitting and enforcement under the federal Clean Water Act and California's Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act for complex wastewater treatment, recycled water, and storm water infrastructure projects throughout California.


Wastewater and Industrial Process Water Permitting

Successfully negotiate appropriate terms of individual and general NPDES permits and WDRs with Regional Board staff and legal counsel.

Provide detailed legal comments to Regional and State Boards on individual and general federal Clean Water Act NPDES permits and state waste discharge requirements (WDRs) for wastewater and industrial process water discharges from publicly owned treatment works and industrial facilities.

Work collaboratively with engineering and other water quality-related consultants to provide technical comments to NPDES permits and WDRs for wastewater and industrial process water discharges.

Appear before all nine California Regional Water Quality Control Boards and the State Water Resources Control Board in public hearings related to permit adoption.

Counsel public agencies and industry regarding method and manner of compliance with NPDES permits, WDRs, and associated monitoring and reporting programs.

Municipal, Industrial, and Construction Storm Water Permitting

Provide detailed technical and legal comments to Regional and State Boards on individual and general NPDES permits for municipal, industrial, and construction related storm water discharges.

Successfully negotiate appropriate terms of individual and general NPDES permits for municipal, industrial, and construction related storm water discharges with Regional Board staff and legal counsel.

Appear before all nine California Regional Water Quality Control Boards and the State Water Resources Control Board in public hearings related to permit adoption.

Counsel public agencies and private parties regarding methods and manner of compliance with the State Water Resources Control Boards' general NPDES permits for municipal, industrial, and construction storm water discharges.

Secured favorable decision from the San Francisco County Superior Court in case involving third party challenge to two municipal storm water permits.

Reclamation Projects/Beneficial Reuse of Recycled Water

Successfully negotiate appropriate terms of Master Reclamation Permits and Water Reclamation Requirements with Regional Board staff and legal counsel.

Assist with reclamation project planning, including evaluation of site location and appropriate beneficial reuse of recycled water.

Provide detailed comments to Regional Boards on appropriate requirements to include in Master Reclamation Permits and Water Reclamation Requirements.

Appear before San Diego, Los Angeles, Lahontan, and Central Valley Regional Boards in public hearings related to adoption of Master Reclamation Permits and Water Reclamation Requirements.

Work collaboratively with Regional and State Boards' staff regarding reclamation/recycled water policies to encourage the beneficial reuse of recycled water in California.

303(d) Listings/Total Maximum Daily Loads

Provide detailed comments to Regional and State Boards on behalf of public agencies and private parties in connection with listing of water bodies on the State's 303(d) list of impaired water bodies.

Represent public agencies in stakeholder-led preparation of Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs).

Provide detailed comments to Regional and State Boards on behalf of public agencies and private parties California in connection with the preparation and issuance of Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs).

Appear before all nine California Regional Water Quality Control Boards and the State Water Resources Control Board in public hearings related to 303(d) listings and TMDL adoption.

Enforcement Orders

Successfully negotiate appropriate terms of administrative enforcement orders, including Time Schedule Orders, Cease and Desist Orders, Cleanup and Abatement Orders, and Administrative Civil Liability Complaints (discretionary and mandatory minimum penalties), with Regional Board staff and legal counsel on behalf of public agencies and private parties.

Provide detailed legal comments to Regional and State Boards regarding appropriate terms of administrative enforcement orders.

Appear before all nine California Regional Water Quality Control Boards and the State Water Resources Control Board in public hearings challenging the issuance of administrative enforcement orders.

Nicole Granquist Colleagues :
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David Aladjem

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Annie Amaral

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Sallie Armstrong

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Meghan Baker

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George Basye

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