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Profile of Nikolaj Bruun

Nikolaj Bruun

GM - Europe - Ethertronics Inc.
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Company Name : Ethertronics Inc.
Company Website : www.ethertronics.com
Company Address : 9605 Scranton Rd.
Ste. 300, San Diego, CA,
United States,
Nikolaj Bruun Profile :
GM - Europe - Ethertronics Inc.
Nikolaj Bruun Biography :

Nikolaj Bruun, General Manager, Europe Nikolaj Bruun brings 15 years of technology and research and development experience to his position as General Manager, Europe for Ethertronics. In this role, Bruun is responsible for leading Ethertronics� sales operations in Europe, as well as the company�s research and design activities at Ethertronics Sweden AB, which is the company�s Kalmar, Sweden design center. With approximately 15 years� experience in the global high-technology field, Bruun comes to Ethertronics from Nokia Denmark A/S in Copenhagen, where he had responsibility within both hardware and software development. Bruun most recently served as senior technology manager for Nokia. During his more than eight years at Nokia, Bruun held a number of key positions within hardware portfolio management, requirement management and people management. For six years, Bruun worked as a research and development project manager as well as on sales and marketing for Denmark-based FORCE Technology. Bruun earned a master�s of science in electronic engineering from the Danish Technical University and a bachelor�s degree in economics with an emphasis in finance from Copenhagen Business School.

Nikolaj Bruun Colleagues :
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Rick Johnson

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Laurent Desclos

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Rick Segil

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Seong-Woo Lee

VP - Asia Business Development, Korea Country Mgr. Please login

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