Nikos Tsiopinis is Outreach Coordinator of the newly launched Metanexus Global Network Initiative (MGNI). Nikos is currently in the final stages of completing his dissertation for an interdisciplinary Ph.D. in Mathematics and Theology at the Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands. Previously he earned his Diploma in Solid State Physics at the University of Thessalonica, Greece and a Master of Science degree in Polymer Physics at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. Tsiopinis has lectured and published in both polymer physics and in the transdisciplinary domain of Science and Religion. He held a junior researcher position at the Material Science Centre of the University of Groningen, the Netherlands, followed by a research scientist position at the Heyendaal Institute Nijmegen, the Netherlands. After moving to the United States in 2005, he acquired experience in intercultural leadership and cross-cultural communication at the International House New York Leadership Program. He is member of the American Biophysical Society, the American Academy of Religion and the European Society for the Study of Science and Theology. Nikos� understanding of both religion and science as integral to one�s comprehension of the world and one�s place in it was birthed in Greece within the cradle of the Greek Orthodox Church and fostered during his education in the Netherlands. He is married to Dr. Jenelle Nissley-Tsiopinis and they are currently living in Ardmore, PA. |