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Email Profiles And Emails Of Executives
Nina Hoffman
Pres. - Books, School Publishing, Exec. VP - National Geographic Society
Nina Hoffman's Email : Please login
Company Name : National Geographic Society Inc.
Company Website : www.nationalgeographic.com
Company Address : 1145 17th St.
NW, Washington, DC,
United States,
Nina Hoffman's Profile : Pres. - Books, School Publishing, Exec. VP - National Geographic Society
Nina Hoffman's Biography :

Nina Hoffman, a veteran of the trade publishing world, is executive vice president of the National Geographic Society and president of its Book Publishing Group.

Hoffman joined the Society in 1996 to head and expand its Book and School Publishing divisions, significantly increasing the annual number of adult and children's titles as well as building its presence as a major educational publisher, culminating in the recent acquisition of Hampton-Brown by the National Geographic Society. National Geographic Books is a preeminent, mission-focused publisher of nonfiction and illustrated reference books for school and public libraries, direct mail and retail, with more than 180 titles published annually.

Prior to National Geographic, Hoffman was president of Nina D. Hoffman and Associates, a publishing consulting company in New York City. Her clients included Reed Reference Publishing and Scholastic Books. Previously, she was president and publisher of Simon & Schuster's consumer reference division. She played an important part in Simon and Schuster's acquisition and restructuring of Macmillan Inc. and in the merger of Macmillan with Prentice Hall General Reference.

Hoffman also worked for Bantam Doubleday Dell Inc. (now all divisions of Random House) as vice president and executive director of audio, video and electronic publishing and as executive director of subsidiary rights.

She lives in Potomac, Md., with her husband and son.

The National Geographic Society is one of the world's largest nonprofit scientific and educational organizations. Founded in 1888 to "increase and diffuse geographic knowledge," the Society works to inspire people to care about the planet. It reaches more than 300 million people worldwide each month through its official journal, National Geographic, and other magazines; National Geographic Channel; television documentaries; music; radio; films; books; DVDs; maps; school publishing programs; interactive media; and merchandise. National Geographic has funded more than 8,000 scientific research projects and supports an education program combating geographic illiteracy. For more information, visit nationalgeographic.com.

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