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Profile of Norman Bell

Norman Bell

Chief Project Engineer - Jupiter Oxygen Corp.
Norman Bell Email :
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Company Name : Jupiter Oxygen Corp.
Company Website : www.jupiteroxygen.com
Company Address : 4825 N Scott St.
Ste. 200, Schiller Park, IL,
United States,
Norman Bell Profile :
Chief Project Engineer - Jupiter Oxygen Corp.
Norman Bell Biography :

Norman Bell has recently joined Jupiter Oxygen Corporation as Chief Project Engineer.

Norm is a Chemical Engineer with an extensive energy background in the primary metals field. He has held positions of combustion engineer and corporate combustion engineer for two major steel companies. Direct experience includes the design, building and start up of new furnaces and retrofits in the steel and aluminum sectors for virtually every type of furnace utilized in these industries. He has conducted business throughout North America and Europe during his career with responsibility for projects ranging through hundreds of millions of dollars. Among his credentials are four patents for process and product improvements. He has presented technical papers world wide including papers to the American Society of Metals, National Coilcoaters Society, Electroplaters and Surface Finishers Society and a world wide steel meeting in Tokyo, Japan.

His educational background includes B. Sc. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Dayton and an MBA in Marketing and International Business from the University of Chicago where he graduated on the Deans list.

Norman Bell Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Dietrich Gross

Pres., CEO Please login

Mark Schoenfield

Sr. VP - Operations, General Counsel Please login

Brian Patrick

Dir. - Development Please login

Thomas Weber

VP - International Business, Sustainable Strategies Please login

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