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Profile of Oliver Revell

Oliver Revell

Chmn. - Visiphor Corp.
Oliver Revell Email :
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Company Name : Visiphor Corp.
Company Website : www.visiphor.com
Company Address : 725N. 15th St. NW
Ste. 805, Washington, DC,
United States,
Oliver Revell Profile :
Chmn. - Visiphor Corp.
Oliver Revell Biography :

Appointed Director and Chairman of the Board of Visiphor in January 2000 Mr. Revell served for over 30 years in the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) advancing to the role of Associate Deputy Director the number two position in the Bureau. Throughout his FBI career he served on numerous Presidential and Vice-Presidential task forces and was appointed as Vice-Chairman for the Interagency Group for Counter-Intelligence and the Terrorist Crisis Management Committee of the National Security Council. Mr. Revell is a life member of the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) and was the founding chairman of its committee on terrorism. Mr. Revell is President of the Law Enforcement Television Network (LETN) and resides in Dallas Texas where he also serves as Chairman of the Greater Dallas Crime Commission. Mr. Revell holds a Bachelor of Science degree from East Tennessee State University a Master�s degree in Public Administration from Temple University and a Diploma in National Security from Harvard.

Oliver Revell Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Roy Trivett

Dir., CEO, Pres. Please login

Al Kassam

Dir., VP Support Services, VP Sales, Marketing Please login

Clyde Farnsworth

Board Dir. Please login

Keith Kretschmer

Board Dir. Please login

Michael Volker

Board Dir. Please login

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