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Profile of Orna Berry

Orna Berry

Board Dir. - Radware Ltd.
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Company Name : Radware Ltd.
Company Website : www.radware.com
Company Address : 575 Corporate Dr.
Ste. 205, Mahwah, NJ,
United States,
Orna Berry Profile :
Board Dir. - Radware Ltd.
Orna Berry Biography :

Dr. Orna Berry has served as a director since October 2006. Dr Berry has been a Venture Partner in Gemini Israel funds since August 2000. Since December 2005, she has served as the Chairperson of Prime Sense Ltd., and since January 2005, as the Chairperson of Adamind Ltd., a UK public company. Dr. Berry is a member of the European Union Research Advisory Board (EURAB) and a member of the Association of Computing Machines� (ACM) task force on job migration and globalization (TFJM). From 1997 to 2000 she acted as Chief Scientist and Director of the Industrial R&D Administration of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor of the Government of Israel. In 1993 she co-founded ORNET Data Communication Technologies Ltd. and served as co-president of ORNET until 1997. Dr. Berry holds a Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Southern California, and M.A. and B.A. degrees in statistics and mathematics from Tel Aviv University and Haifa University, respectively. Currently, she serves as a director of the following companies: Aladdin Knowledge Systems Ltd., Poalim Capital Markets, Mer Telemanagement Solutions Ltd., Commtouch Software Ltd and Prime Sense Ltd.

Orna Berry Colleagues :
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Vered Raviv-Schwarz

VP - Legal Affairs Please login

Christopher McCleary

Exec. Chmn. Please login

Meir Moshe

CFO Please login

Amir Peles

CTO Please login

Dennis Dobson

Investor Relations Contact Please login

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